Apply To Join Our Free Health Careers, Entrepreneurship & Contract Community!
The women and men in our health careers, entrepreneurship and contracts community is a free professional learning, career development, contract, and business development community that supports diverse women and men who aspire to lead innovative health programs or build health focused businesses and use their ideas and businesses to support local, state, federal, and international government health strategic initiatives. Women and men with health solutions & ideas and businesses will be equipped with the knowledge and fundamental principles to build upon their ideas, launch viable and lucrative businesses, plan strategically for the growth of their services and products, especially as technological advancement permeates the health sector.
The core goals of this community are:
1. Inspire innovation, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship from multicultural women and men with diverse backgrounds, experiences, ethnicities, and cultures who are looking to solve critical health disparity issues.
2. Equip multicultural women and men to be change makers in the health of their communities
3. Increase career growth and innovation by showing you how the knowledge you are building can lead to direct contract opportunities as a government health contractor
4. Monthly sponsored masterclass trainings on various diseases, health focused business topics and the fundamentals of winning local, state, federal, and international contracts
5. Quarterly online networking and information sharing opportunities with other women in health and health entrepreneurs in various stages of their health career and entrepreneurship journeys
6. Quarterly Q&A sessions
7. Discounts on specialized training programs, business consultation and contract procurement services, events, and conferences